¦vercoming the obstacles come into being­ ˆt’s also clear that the security and ˆn conclusion, Bitcoin was a significant breathrough controls associated with blocchain technology will – but it’s not the whole story­ „he technologies „he ey gap is education, we often conflate “„he need development before many of these applications around bitcoin have the potential to transform Blocchain” and “™ Blocchain”­ „his terminology is can become mainstream many different processes and companies should be especially tricy because the technology is so new, discussing these developments at the board level terms are emerging daily to try and understand and „hat said, the opportunities are so significant that and asing how this technology could help them and mae sense of it­ it’s a Ÿuestion of when, not if, these applications whether they should be investing in it­ will emerge­ ˆn order to smooth the way for „his is a nascent technology and while the greater development and adoption, financial opportunities are e‰citing, certain obstacles will need service providers and start-ups will need to to be overcome before some of these use cases can collaborate closely­ About the author †imon „aylor Blocchain and ¨istributed edger †ub‡ect ¤atter E‰pert Named by ‚ity ™¤ as one of the „op 1‹ most influential people in …intech, †imon’s wor at Barclays focuses on understanding the impact of this new technology on Barclays businesses and clients barclays­com“corporatebaning Barclays is a trading name of Barclays Ban P‚ and its subsidiaries­ Barclays Ban P‚ is authorised by the Prudential Regulation ™uthority and regulated by the …inancial ‚onduct ™uthority and the Prudential Regulation ™uthority —…inancial †ervices Register No­ 1ŠŠ«‹Š˜­ Registered in England­ Registered number is 1‹Š•1•« with registered office at 1 ‚hurchill Place, ondon E1¥ ‘ŽP­ ˆtem Ref B¤¥‹©”©”­ ¬uly Š‹1‘­ ‘ of ‘

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