2. Insights into Data on Industrial Robot Market in China & Key Factors Key Factors Labor Robot 因素6:工业机器人成本将以每年4%减少 Resource Cost Productivit Resource Cost Productivity y 2012 120 million RMB50,000/year 90,000 SCARA/system Manufacturing (US$559/month) RMB60K/120K growth: RMB15.6 US: US$3600/month (5-month salary) trillion (1:6.44) RMB: US$ = 6.2:1 6-DoF (3kg) RMB120K/240K (1.2-year salary) 2022 100 million RMB200,000/year 1.7-3 million SCARA/system Manufacturing (US$3371/month) RMB42/84K growth: RMB29 US: US$4388/month (2.5-month salary) trillion (1:1.3) RMB: US$ = 5:1 6-DoF (3kg) RMB84K/168K (5-month salary) RMB13.5T 22 mil RMB150K/year Conclusion: 1. The market demand for industrial robot is rigid and ongoing 2. The development of industrial robot will be one of the greatest revolutions in China’s history of manufacturing, with profound implications 3. China is arriving at the critical mass of industrial robotics