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Whitepaper Release: Investments in PayTech: A study of investments in payment technology companies
The 9 th Annual Emerging Payments Awards are to be held on 12 th October 2016. More details on the new Awards website.
More detailsPay360 Innovate is taking place in London on the 23rd November.
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Formed on the 'now' and the 'here and now'. And four hundred years to build a wall six thousand kilometres long. Spending what you earn but saving 40% of your income. Demanding top service and a tolerance for mistakes. Adapting new behaviours while adhering to deep traditions. More billionaires in Beijing than anywhere in the world with hundreds of millions on the breadline.
I'm sitting in a classroom on the 20th floor of the CKGSB in Beijing. Why do I have a sense of déjà vu, from sitting at a desk in 1987 in Ashbridge College, UK?
Responsible lender becomes benefactor of Emerging Payments Association's Project RomeProject Rome targets fair and equal access to payments infrastructure London, UK. 13 September 2016 - The Just
China Start - September 2016
Goals of the Green Paper While the UK referendum result on EU membership might well impact on how and to what extent a pan-EU approach is still va...
What does EPA membership give you?
We work with industry stakeholders to remove the barriers that stifle innovation. The EPA supports innovation through a project-based approach, helping enhance the payments infrastructure and supporting start ups.
We help members grow their business, enabling them to connect with prospects, partners and suppliers. EPA events help members to grow their business, enabling them to connect with prospects, partners and suppliers.
We raise the profile of the emerging payments industry, lobbying with a coordinated voice and promoting our members. We are actively working with the regulators to ensure our collective voice is heard. We seek a more level playing field to enhance competition and innovation.