
Bringing Decentralized Technologies into One Ecosystem

Bringing Decentralized Technologies into One Ecosystem

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New decentralized apps emerge rapidly within the blockchain industry.







Many developers all over the world really want to build decentralized apps.



Difficult Time consuming Expensive

Difficult Time consuming Expensive

Difficult Time consuming Expensive

Developers can’t concentrate on their app.


Framework Easy development of an app.

Network Synergy between all apps in existence.

Delegated Leveraging existing technologies for more feature-rich apps.

Token Leveraging an existing financial ecosystem.

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Framework LiskApp SDK written in JavaScript.

Network Decentralized with over 300 nodes.

Delegated About 700 delegates on the network.

Token (LSK) $30M marketcapand $1M daily volume

Social Networks

Social Networks Messengers

Social Networks Messengers Online Shops

Social Networks Messengers Online Shops Prediction Markets

Social Networks Messengers Online Shops Prediction Markets Sharing Economies


Immutable Storage For important meta data. As an alternative to centralized and manipulable databases.

Decentralized Hosting For critical and risky files. As an alternative to regular clouds.

Decentralized Computation For sensitive calculations. As an alternative to centralized and expensive clusters.

Oracles For real opinions by the masses. As an alternative to surveys or analyses.

Smart Contracts For truly trustless computation.


Every blockchain app on Lisk has its own fully customizable sidechain.

Everything can be simply integrated into a Lisk sidechain.

Structure Sidechain 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mainchain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sidechain 1


Scalability All app data is split into multiple smaller blockchains.

Usability Nodes only need to stay in sync with the blockchains they want.

Flexibility Developers have complete control over the sidechain design and parameters.

Protection Forks only need to occur on sidechains. LSK tokens stay on the mainchain.


Security Every sidechain needs to be secured by a newset of nodes.

Delegate Marketplace

Connects app developers with node operators.

Full Nodes BlockchainApp Standby Delegates BlockchainService, Bitcoin MainnetDelegates BlockchainService, Ethereum

Name Productivity Location Bitcoin Ethereum IPFS Price Dan 99.4% Germany √ x √ 9 LSK Paul 45.2% France x x x 1 LSK Oli 97.7% Spain x x √ 7LSK Stan 92.1% Ukraine √ √ √ 4 LSK .. .. .. .. .. .. Delegate Marketplace

Lisk offers a decentralized directory for blockchain applications and services.

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“Unique information about a person which can not be manipulated, and can be used for authorization.”

Unique information Data in a database which is accessible on demand. Blockchain (encrypted)

Used for authorization Login to the identity and proof ownership. Passphrase

Accessible for apps Implement the identity as a service into any kind of app. API calls

The identity is stored on a global ledger and accessible from everywhere.

Summing up

Lisk evolves into a world-wide cluster for apps and services everyone can utilize.

Thank you very much!